Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes Without the Guilt
Taking responsibility for our mistakes is a difficult lesson, and one that I was reminded of recently. “Okay, your turn” , my girls shouted from the backseat during our long car ride back from skiing. “Tell us the biggest mistake you ever made.” “Well I’ve made a ton of mistakes”, I responded, “too many to count.” “Honestly”, I continued, “in my mind, mistakes only happen when you don’t learn anything from them. If you learned something, then perhaps it wasn’t a mistake after all.” The girls didn’t have much to say after that. However, for me, it left me wondering. If this was true, then why do people waste so much energy beating themselves up over them? Stop Beating Yourself Up Mistakes are defined as a misguided act or judgment. They often come from misunderstandings, lack of communication, lack of awareness, or rushing. They range from small ones, such as spilling an entire carton of blueberries at the grocery store ( like I did ), to bigger ones such as lying, cheating, or steal...